2025 Chinese, Culture, and Enrichment Summer Camp Registration

Dates: 6/16 - 8/15, 9 Weeks, 4 Sessions. Register by session.

Minimum age required: 4 years old.

Minimum enrollment required to run a class: 5 students.

Maximum limit per class: 12 students.

Session 1: 6/16 - 7/03 (3 weeks, 7/4 no camp)

Session 2: 7/07 - 7/18 (2 weeks)

Session 3: 7/21 - 8/01 (2 weeks)

Session 4: 8/04 - 8/15 (2 weeks)

Primarily in-person classes. Multiple enrichment, academic, and language camp classes. Multiple choices in pick up time and enrollment weeks.

The Registration Link is here.

Multi-Session discount, Weekend School discount, and referral bonus available.
$50 registration fee waived by 4/15/2025.

Registration Fee:
$50 registration fee waived through April 15, 2025.
Registration system will automatically apply the registration fee after April 15.

Policy on Reducing Enrollment or Withdrawing Completely (contact Admin to process):

For Academic/Enrichment Camps (Writing, Math, etc all non-Chinese-language camps):

  • If you reduce or withdraw BY 4/15/2025, you will receive a full refund of your payment.
  • If you reduce or withdraw FROM 4/16/2025 to LESS THAN 1 WEEK PRIOR TO THE START OF YOUR CAMP, you will be refunded 90% of your payment.
  • If you reduce or withdraw LESS THAN 1 WEEK PRIOR TO THE START OF YOUR CAMP, there will be no refund.
For Chinese Camp:
  • If you reduce or withdraw BY 4/15/2025, you will receive a full refund of your payment.
  • If you reduce or withdraw AFTER 4/15/2025 but BEFORE THE THIRD DAY OF YOUR CAMP, you will be refunded a prorated amount of unused tuition minus 10% of your payment.
  • If you reduce or withdraw ON OR AFTER YOUR THIRD DAY OF YOUR CAMP, there will be no refund.

Policy on Switching Sessions, Changing Pick Up Times, or Adding Sessions If Space is Available (contact Admin to process):
Before or on 4/15/2025, no cost to switching sessions, changing pick up times, or adding sessions.
After 4/15/2025, a $5 fee per child per transaction, for each switch-of-session / change-of-pick-up-time (even if for a day) / addition-of-session. Note that the policy on reducing enrollment or withdrawing completely is different and specified above.

Referral Bonus (contact Admin to process):
$25 to a family that brings in a new student from a different family who enrolls:

  • If in-person camp, at least 1 week.
  • If online class, $300 in payment of classes.

A “new student” is someone who has never attended any MLCCC camps before whether in-person or virtual.

For inquiry: info@mlccc.org | 610-909-6094 | 215-490-6074

Enroll Now!
